Friday, March 07, 2008

Howlin Rain-Magnificent Fiend LP drops March 4

Howlin Rain-Magnificent Fiend
1. Requiem
2. Dancers at the End of Time
3. Calling Lightning Pt. 2
4. Lord Have Mercy
5. Nomads
6. El Rey
7. Goodbye Ruby
8. Riverboat

"'70's AM rock splendor from psych supergroup. The best
driving music modern money can buy." - UNCUT

"...a joyous celebration of classic rock music, as
life-affirming and unabashed as they come…" - OTHER MUSIC

After 2006, it was uncertain if there would be another Howlin Rain record. Well, at least in the mind of the musical world at large.

For Ethan Miller, the group’s founder, visionary, songwriter and singer, the collapse of the original line-up was just a set back. There was no licking of wounds, no uncertainty. Miller simply went back to the formula he used after first conceiving Howlin Rain during a winter storm at his cabin on the Eel River: write a batch of undeniable songs, gather his talented friends and create a signature musical language.

Check out the great article Melody Stone did over at the Eureka Reporter today. Because of Melody the ER's Friday insert is quickly becoming my favorite local entertainment guide. After reading her story on Howlin Rain's Humboldt connection I went and bought their new LP, Magnificent Fiend, at Amazon MP3. You can get it at iTunes as well but Amazons are DRM free

The bride reminded me that a couple members of Howlin Rain played in my front yard (as in kids, not band). More on this as memory permits.

1 comment:

Mike Mannix said...

Good to see someone talking up Howlin Rain in Humboldt. We need to get these guys up here to play a show. I'll be writing them up in the North Coast Journal (hopefully it appears this coming week).