Saturday, June 28, 2008

Calling all Monsters, West by Swan in Eureka

who: Calling all Monsters and West by Swan
when: June 28 - 8pm - $?
where: Little Red Lion, 1506 5th, Eureka
what:click for larger image West by Swan falls loosely into the grey area of post rock, click for larger image wandering about on the same sonic terrain as Mogwai or Explosions in the Sky, but with one foot always staying home to kick around riffs with the rockers and the punk kids. Sonic Youth is mucking around in the noise somewhere, as is Fugazi’s insistent heartbeat, pumping fuel onto the fire (CD Baby)
Calling all Monsters:click for larger image They are like the RUN DMCclick for larger image of independent rock except there are 4 of 'em, they aren't black, they are from San Francisco, and they don't have turntables (Alicyn Sterling)

links: : : :

1 comment:

Monica... That One Girl said...

I just played Calling All Monsters on my show on KSLG about an hour ago.

That's gonna be a great show.